Meet The Team

Phillip Brook – CEO

Philip Brook is the CEO and has been running the company since it was established in 2010. After studying BTEC Graphics Design and BTEC IT from Levels 1 to 3 at the University of Portsmouth. A determined Nature led to Phillip studying a web development Degree to further his knowledge to then soon began Hotbeans.

John Smith – Lead Developer

John joined the team back in 2017. He studied web development at the prestigious university of Portsmouth where he grew his skills. Since gaining his degree, John led to helping major high performing websites such as Amazon and ASOS in creating their fashionable websites. John has an eye for unique designs and grabbing colours leading to his continuous success . To continue to fulfil his potential, John joined Hotbeans in which he thinks he cam be part of the main team to make this Web Development business as successful

Claire Snogs – Junior Developer

Claire joined the team more recently in 2019 and had a fantastic early career change. The young developer once loved her dancing ended up finding an ambition in technology and websites. This led Claire to Hotbeans and her career has only started here. The amazing Developer is close to finishing 2 different Web Development courses leading to a better role and more opportunities for our business. Claire enables us to aim to succeed in the future.